Snow, Snow, Snow and then some more
What a week in terms of the weather we have had here in Not so Sunny Suffolk!!
This week I think it is only fair to leave the updates on any projects to one side and focus on the 24 staff that have all made such an incredible effort to make it into work during the past 5 days. Not only am I blessed to have such a talented workforce but as this week has shown they are loyal and extremely determined also.
With so many stories often heard about staff that don't care or just let employers down I thought it was a good time to give you an insight into the people that make our wonderful pieces of furniture. A group of people that between them have over 515 years of combined services to REH Kennedy, quite an impressive number of years and loyalty don't you think.
So we have made the decision to have a little section on our website that will have a weekly focus on a staff member which will allow our customers both new and old to see who will be making or who has made the piece of furniture they have or will have in their home. So make sure you check out the first post next week on the website which will be under the heading 'Meet the Team'.
For now though I will wish you all a good weekend and hope that next week brings some better weather.